Read Full Article“Born in Italy’s Val Trompia, the company that would become Fabarm was started by the Galesi family in the early 1900s, at a time when gun making was transforming from a specialized craft to an industrial operation.”
Read Full Article“Born in Italy’s Val Trompia, the company that would become Fabarm was started by the Galesi family in the early 1900s, at a time when gun making was transforming from a specialized craft to an industrial operation.”
Read Full Article“The Elos 2 Elite is a remarkably solid design and well-built gun that sells for a fair price. It carries and swings easily and has no apparent weaknesses. It’s more attractive than others in its price range and a bit nicer than an entry level gun would be—even a very good one. If that sounds like the description of a real “winner” to you, it does to me, too.”
“Each of these shotguns exemplifies a combination of traditional craftsmanship and modern technology, tailored to meet the varied needs of different shooting disciplines.”
Read Full Article“As the company enters its second century, its profile is set to rise higher in the US, as the firm brings new models to the American market.”